Are You An Alcoholic?

thank you for taking the quiz… this video will help you understand what defines an alcoholic.

13 thoughts on “Are You An Alcoholic?”

  1. please help me to stop , I am 53 year old female who drank since I was 14 .I have tried to stop several times even one time for a year the other times were a month or two.i know how good I feel when stopped and how bad I feel when drinking , however this does not seem to help. Kind regards michelle

    1. Your not alone Michelle. I’m in the same boat. It’s been said it’s harder to get sober than to stay sober and I believe that now. It can’t be done alone I know that. Best to you on your journey out of this!

  2. Have been a recovered alcoholic since 1980. Also certified as an alcohol counsellor. Believe that harm reduction programs are doomed to fail in the long run.

  3. I just want to live without alcohol and feel happy again. i know feelings go up an down but the lows are bad for me. I think its the anxiety and depression.

  4. Marcus are you still sober? There hasn’t been much activity here for a while…and your how to moderate your drinking video is a little worrying cos I have brought into the lie that it’s possible to moderate drinking (not if your addicted) I liked what you had to say on your other u tube videos so came over here to check it out, I don’t drink every day, and can go months without alcohol… but when I drink I drink myself into oblivion! It’s like days and week of emotional build up and then I crash and burn. Not many people are able to articulate this horrendous alcohol induced roller coaster, and so I could relate to what you were saying. Hope you are well and staying sober

    1. Hi Jane,

      yep… going on 3.5 years now… we are working on getting this site more updated… have a few new hires i brought on to help with that.

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