Topic: Is Sobriety Boring???
Can You Stop Drinking Alcohol Without Being Bored?
- Feeling as though you have to live like a hermit
- Typically, it’s best when you are staying busy – find something, anything other than drinking
- You have to look at society’s conditioning – along the core of what it means to be human
- The marketing goes after a base desire and it makes us feel like if we don’t have alcohol, we are not having fun – that’s bullshit
- When you get sober it seems like you have a shit ton of time on your hands
- You need to develop positive habits, but sometimes you have to do it slowly
- We have trained our brains to constantly need entertainment – we’ve fallen away from just being comfortable with yourself
- There’s going to be people that don’t like your personality – but it doesn’t really matter – what matters is how you feel about you
- Willpower usually doesn’t work – you have to look at what alcohol does, and it makes you do things you wouldn’t naturally do – you need support, a plan and a strong foundation to stay sober
- You have to look at your life and determine who and what you want to be
- Is it really the alcohol that is important? Or is it the hijack?
- You want what you can’t have – natural human response – same thing with alcohol
- We have to be very careful of what we put in our mind – if you don’t make effort on that others will do it for you
“The money I’ve saved allows me to do tons of things I couldn’t do before.” – Marcus
“At one point, it was literally one minute at a time.” – Terry
“We have to focus on being able to just be.” – Marcus
“Is alcohol really fun, or is it you?” – Marcus
“There’s nothing booze loves more than more booze.” – Marcus
“You can’t get drunk if you don’t drink.” – Marcus
“Hey if I don’t start that fire, I don’t have to put it out.” Marcus
Things to keep busy:
Listen to talks [A new pair of glasses by Chuck C.] – Recommended
Meet Up App
Learn to cook something new
Put extra effort into work
Stay busy, but not too busy.